Table of Contents


Academic Calender will be updated soon...


Academic Results will be updated soon...

Notice Board

School Notice Board will be updated soon...

DateNotice TitleDescriptionPosted ByImportant DateNotes
2024-05-01 PTA Meeting The next PTA meeting will be held in the school auditorium at 4 PM. Principal's Office 2024-05-10 All parents are encouraged to attend.
2024-05-03 Science Fair The annual science fair will take place in the gymnasium. Science Dept. 2024-05-15 Projects must be registered by 2024-05-12.
2024-05-22Library Book Sale Registration for summer camp is now open. Activities Office 2024-06-01 Early bird discount available until 2024-05-20.
2024-05-07 Sports Day Sports Day will feature various athletic events for all grades. Library Staff 2024-05-10Proceeds go to library improvements.
2024-05-11 Art Exhibition Student artworks will be displayed in the art room. PE Department 2024-05-20Parents are welcome to volunteer.


Important Downloads will be updated soon...

SL No.Year WiseReports
1Affiliation Copy/OASIS DetailClick Here
2Trust DetailsClick Here
3NOC IssuedClick Here
4Recognition CertificateClick Here
5Building Safety CertificateClick Here
6Fire Safety CertificateClick Here


Our Alumni List will be updated soon...

ImageNameAgeYear of Passing
Fatima Heena1823-34